CMF’s Combine Task Force 150 (CTF 150) on Courtesy Call

The Combine Task Force 150 (CTF 150) which is part of the Combined Maritime Task Force (CMF)  based in Bahrain at the US Fifth Fleet made several courtesy calls in Seychelles from 06 to 09 November 2018. The aim of the visits were to strengthen the close relationship that exist between the CTF 150 and Seychelles.

CDRE Saeed Alsharani presenting a token to Brigadier L Payet

During one of such visits CTF 150 delegates met with the Chief of Defence Forces, Deputy Chief of Defence Forces, Chief of Staff, Commander of Seychelles Coast Guard, and the Commanding Officer of the Seychelles Air Force, at the Defence Forces Headquarters (DFHQ) at Bel Eau on Wednesday November 7, 2018.

The CTF 150 delegation comprised, the Commander of CTF 150 Commodore Saeed Alsharani, Captain Hussam Alrefae and Master Chief Khaled Obaid.

FROM LEFT TO RIGHT – Master Chief Khaled Obaid – Col S Dine (Comd-SCG)- Col M Rosette (COS) – Capt Hussam Alrefae –  CDRE Saeed Alsharani (Commander CTF 150) – Brigadier L Payet (CDF) – Col C Roseline (DCDF) – Lt Col M Poupouneau  (CO SAF)


Combined Task Force 150 (CTF 150) is one of three task forces operated by Combined Maritime Forces (CMF). CTF 150’s mission is disrupt terrorist organisations and their related illegal activities by restricting their freedom of manouevre in the maritime domain. The activities of CTF 150 are a critical part of global counter-terrorism efforts, as terrorist organisations are denied a risk-free method of conducting operations or moving personnel, weapons or income-generating narcotics and charcoal.

Since October 2012, Seychelles People’s Defence Forces (SPDF) has been an active member of the coalition based in Bahrain, and always delegate officers on rotation as Senior Country Representatives (SCR) at the CMF Headquarters.

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