The SDF is made up of a Regular and Reserve Forces.  A person may serve as Commissioned Officer or an Enlisted Soldier in the forces.

  1. Regular Force. Those serving in the Regular Force are enrolled for full time service and appointed to a rank in it. The members of Regular Force are at all times on continuous full-time service and are liable to perform duty within and outside Seychelles.
  2. Reserve Force. Reserve Force consists of persons enrolled for service other than full time service and appointed to a rank in that Force. They are not bound to serve continuously but are bound to render service when ordered by the Commander in Chief.
  3. Commissioned Officers. They are members of the Force that have been commissioned and appointed to a rank of officer as specified in the First Schedule of the Defence Act by Commander-in-Chief.  They should have the leadership skills, training and character needed to inspire and encourage others.
  4. Enlisted Soldiers. They are members of the Force that have been appointed as Non-Commissioned Members as specified in the First Schedule of the Defence Act.  They performed specific job functions and have the training and knowledge that ensure the success of their unit’s current mission within the Defence Forces.

The strength of the Defence Forces is to have officers, enlisted soldiers and specialist work in a cohesive manner to make a strong and adaptable force that can respond to any threat and to perform any other functions of SDF as lay down in the Constitution.

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